Orgy Of Noise = Bill T Miller LIVE SHOWS 2004-2013* Bent2004 NYC Festival (2004) [CD]
* Herrell's Ice Cream (2004) [CD]
* Cross-Pollenization III Festival (2008) [DVD]
* International Noise Conference (2008) [DVD]
* Lizard Lounge (2008) [unreleased]
* Strange Maine (2008) [unreleased]
* TT the Bear's Club (2008) [unreleased]
* Bandwidth TV at CCTV (2008) [DVD]
* Noise Night at WB (2009) [unreleased]
* Bunny Brunch at 3wavejump (2009) [unreleased]
* Cyberarts The Maker Revolution (2009) [unreleased]
* Multimedia Circus @ The Armory (2009)[unreleased]
* Aviary Gallery (2013) Solo BTM OON & with Peter Edwards.[unreleased]
* Odditorium Asheville (2013) Solo BTM OON with encore guests Human Energy Field [video online]
Officially those are the ONLY live OON shows that ever happened.... plus of course there were a few guest bits and jams and of course tons of studio sessions & online webcasts.
All the [unreleased] shows are piled high as mountains of media (video, photos, audio) and are stashed away in the BTM Headroom Vault Hard Drive, they will eventually will be edited into video clips and DVD releases. For the most part there are several preview photos and a video clip online of all the [unreleased] shows. The OON TTs Halloween Show is currently being edited into a deluxe DVD from a multi-cam video shoot with pro multitrack live audio and will include the full set and bonus footage of several pre-gig studio session jams and a slide show with tons more photos.
From it's earliest incarnation under Wall Of Noise moniker in 1989 (and the early BTM experimental recordings starting in 1976 in CA) - it was always a studio freak-out only, until the debut LIVE BTM OON gig at BENT in 2004. Now except for live jam bits, either solo or as a guest, I gonna TRY to stay in the studio zone for a bit, no mega band OON shows planned for 2009.... but who knows, never say never. The even dozen of shows for this era seems to precise, the words BAKER'S DOZEN keep running through my head and the Doobie Brothers tune TAKIN' TO THE STREETS is haunting me. Who knows what is next.
Always down for fun jams, ME and my Bent Tron Bot are planning on some jiffy jamming out at NOISE NIGHT at the new Willoughby and Baltic space in Somerville on May 28th, 2009. See you there.
As of NOW, NO NEW ORGY OF NOISE = BILL T MILLER Shows are in the works for 2009. The plans for NOW include tons of video editing and some Live from Headroom BTM Television Broadcasts Online later this summer/fall. I am ONE DIY PERSON doing the post production worth of staff of several departments with no budget, so it may be a bit. Stay tuned.

THANKS to ALL who were part of the shows as band and crew and audience and out-of-town well wishers... and all the studio-only OON members...
YOU MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME. MUCHO APPRECIATED. Click to see full OON band members list. The video/photo/tech crew lists are with each of the individual show pages and video credits.SHERI HAUSEY as still photographer / tour manager and more (digital video, roadie, driver, caterer, writer, etc) was the only one who was part of ALL FOURTEEN OON SHOWS. JON STRYMISH (Black and White Film Photographer and HERO) was shooting photos at seven of the twelve OON shows, including the first at BENT2004 in NYC. KEVIN PELRINE shot video of several shows and even jammed out a bit. Defly-D, Jonathan LaMaster, Michael Knoblach, Larry Dersch, Ed "Moose" Savage played on and/or showed up to witness quite a few shows as well. Many others were part of a lot of them in one way or another. THANX.
In the last twenty five years (in Boston) as recording engineer/producer, live sound tech, photographer, videographer, writer, musician, cheerleader, guru and kook i have done ALL I could to support OTHERS and "the scene" as a friend and a fan, so the PEOPLE that gave back to me by showing up to my gigs (including KINGS OF FEEDBACK and KING OF SLACK as well as recent ORGY OF NOISE shows) really stand out to me. THANK YOU.
SIX Orgy Of Noise Audio CDs are available as in full as FREE DOWNLOADS at:
MP3ORGY.comTons of VIDEO CLIPS from the ORGY OF NOISE DVD are over at:
BTM TV on YouTube and
BTM TV on VIMEO and tons of archived video from the Headroom Studio LIVE WEBCASTS at:
BTMTELEVISION.com. Way more there already than you have see and hears, so DIG IN and STAY TUNED for EVEN MORE.
?????????????????????????????????????????HEY... WHICH OON shows were YOU at and WHAT do you remember about them? PLEASE POST IN COMMENTS!