X-Mas 1965. Gotta luv Santa. He looks like some sorta hippie guru. That's me standing on the left. I scored some Beatles records on X-Mas 1964 and around the time this pic was snapped I formed my first mega rock band with my two younger brothers. Since we didn't have real guitars or drums we used racquet guitars and trash can drums. Funny how things haven't really changed much. I still want more toys and everyday is a holiday in my world.
That's the view looking outside to the building accross the street from my studio door (in Allston/Boston) the day before winter officially starts.
My PLAN is to HIBERNATE and stare at Final Cut Pro Video and Pro Tool Audio screens until I spin mountains of media into audio visual gold. Several DVDs and CDs and Photo Books and etc are in the works.
By the time spring arrives I should have unleashed more video and audio that you can consume. For that matter I already have more than you have even heard or seen online already at: MP3ORGY.com (fifteen full albums) and http://youtube.com/btmtv (over fifty videos) and http://btmtelevision.com (tons of archived webcasts) and http://billtmiller.com/photos (thousands of photos) and so on.... SO DIG IN and DIG IT, man.
* OK, I prob will poke my head out of my cave to see NEPTUNE (Dec 22nd) and MAGIC PEOPLE (Jan 12th) and MISSION OF BURMA (Jan 24th)... but that's it... sure it is.
* UPDATE... Here's a snapshot of my studio entrance on the first day of winter. I don't have any windows in my studio (except my computer and tv screens) so for the most part it doesn't really matter if it is night or day or sunny or snowy I live in my own little dreamworld of fun. I try to share what I can with YOU via all the videos and cds and mp3s. Look for more BTM TELEVISION Webcasts direct from my studio in 2009.
Bill T Miller (OBE - Kings Of Feedback - Drum Army) = ETC Michael Knoblach (Auddity - Little Mystery - Drum Army) = PERC Larry Dersch (A.K.A.C.O.D - Binary System - Drum Army) = PERC Jonathan LaMaster (Cul de Sac - Saturnalia - Sublingual) = VIOLIN
+++ Plus a heap of SPECIAL GUESTS... * Jules Vasylenko (sax) * Joshua Jefferson (sax) * Cheryl Wanner (Dreamchild) Frank Gerace (Dreamchild) Ed "Moose" Savage (and His Litany of Complaints - Mudbugs) Geoff Chase (Axemunkee - Bentmen) Vela & Dirk (Gang Clan Mafia) Al Nahabedian (Happy the Clown) Monte McGuire (sound mastermind) Michael Bloom (the one and only)
Lurking.... Heide Jason Sanford (Neptune)
* Documentary Crew... Adrian Montes (Noise Vision video) Sheri Hausey (photographer) Jon Strymish (photographer)
It's gonna be a sort Orgy Of Noise meets Drum Army MEGA FUN SHAPESHIFTING TV PARTY JAM OUT.
Director Marissa Acosta
Host Matt Mitchell
Producers Marissa Acosta Matt Mitchell
Audio Engineer George Nagel
Lighting Marcel Rizzo
Technical Director John Melczer
Camera Operators Daniel Jacobs Christine Luiggi Marcel Rizzo Sam Roya
*STAY TUNED, this will be taped live on the 12th and broadcast in 2009 on cable tv and the net and eventually available on DVD. In the meantime check out archived 2008 BTM = Orgy Of Noise webcasts on BTM TELEVISION.
* click on images to see LARGER versions.
LOOK for ORGY OF NOISE on BANDWIDTH TV in January 2009...
* Ehnahre at O'Brien's in Allston Noise City - 12/7 - THIS was HEAVY, man.
* ORGY OF NOISE Taping for Bandwith TV at CCTV in Cambridge, MA - 12/12
* NEPTUNE - Middle East in Cambridge, MA - 12/12 (might go to this)
* id m theft able & Mike Bullock & nmperign & undr quartet @ third life, cambridge, ma - 12/13
* Neptune @ Great Scott in Allston Noise City - 12/22
+ On DECEMBER 12, I am doing that Orgy Of Noise Bandwidth show taping at CCTV and then maybe might could make it around the corner after the taping to see my fave rocknrolling noise boy band NEPTUNE, but prob will just wait and see NEPTUNE on Dec 22 at Great Scott. It seems everything is happening on 12/12. I won't be able to be there, but if YOU can make it to LOWELL that night, check out a killer industrial show that is happening with NAU-ZEE-AUN (which includes DEFTLY-D and ANDREW GRANT, who are Orgy Of Noise members as well.) Also playing on that bill at Down The Street Cafe are: WINTERKALTE & TERRORFAKT & SCRAP.EDX. click for more info.
Plus, FRED FRITH of Henry Cow is playing at ICA on 12/12... AND if your in Philadelphia on 12/12, catch MARTIN BISI @ Danger Danger Gallery... with guests AJDA THE TURKISH QUEEN and BRIAN VIGLIONE, both who have jammed in Orgy Of Noise.
I just want to THANK EVERYBODY (band & crew & friends) who made it out to the big show! Even more photos, video, audio, and eventually a DVD of the fun later in 2009!
* BAND Bill T Miller = electro tennis racquet & circuit bent toys & etc Deftly-D = junk percussion & electronics Karen Langlie = Wisteriax = cello & electronics Ajda the Turkish Queen = voice & etc
* CREW Monte McGuire - live sound (front of house mix) Geoff Chase - recording (recording - Quick 'N' Dirty) Kevin Pelrine - video (shooting with mini-dv cam) Andrew Grant - projections (via btm edited dvd)
* PHOTOGRAPHERS Sheri Hausey - digital photos & tour manager Jon Strymish - b&w film photos Kelly Davidson - digital photos
* BONUS AUDIENCE VID CAM FOOTAGE Ed "Moose" Savage & Bill Desmond & Kevin Gannon If anybody else has video or snapshots get in contact with me.
Super Duper THANX to TippiCat for pre and post production. X-tra Special THANX to the Smith & Jones of the band CRUSHES!
PLEASE go to BOTTOM of THIS ENTRY and POST GOOD VIBES in the COMMENTS. You can do NOT have to register to comment and can use your name or even post anonymously if you want.
TRICK OR TREAT - ORGY OF NOISE Video Shot by Kevin Pelrine - Produced by BTM
Smith of Crushes & BTM & Monte McGuire
OON Sound Crew: GEOFF & MONTE in action mixing Crushes. (Snapped by BTM)
Nine Year Old BTM & TippiCat on HALLOWEEN in 1965 Screenshot from SUPER-8 MOVIE SHOT by my MMMom
*** ONSTAGE for FINALE JAM BOOGIE *** * Ed "Moose" Savage (Kazoo God) * Mike Langlie (Twink) * Jonathan LaMaster (Saturnalia & Cul de Sac) * Larry McCarthy (BTM Racquet Band 2008) * Michael Bloom (Peace Chorus) * Andrew Grant (Vomit Arsonist) * Edward Brandon Jr. (J.T.T.C.O.Y.C.) * Smith (Crushes)
Photo snapped by Larry McCarthy from the stage when he and seven other audience members came up for the jam finale.
Bill "DES" Desmond (Bentmen) Cathy Desmond (Bentmen) Crazy Eddie Nowik (Bentmen) Larry Dersch (A.K.A.C.O.D) Bert Switzer (The Destroyed) Cathy Capozzi (Axemunkee) Frank Gerace (dreamchild) Cheryl Wanner (dreamchild) Izzy Maxwell (Death of the Cool) Rick Harte (producer genius) Rick Scott (Birdsongs & Parsons) David Ackerman (Mastering God) The future Mrs. David Ackerman Al "DrPeebz" Deaderick (Magic People) Jared Falcon (November 14) Greg Kelley (Heathen Shame) Ricardo Donoso (Semata) Kris Thompson (The Lothars - Nisi Period) Kevin Gannon (photographer & super roadie) Tony Savarino (Black Fortress of Opium) Rich Cortese (Black Fortress & Zulus) Paul (Life Partners & Ergot Rot) Christy Romanick (photographer & musician) Heather Downing (DJ & scenester) Howard Martin (one/one tapes) Vela Phelan (Gang Clan Mafia) Dirk Adams (Gang Clan Mafia) Leonard H Tower Jr. (celebrity guru) Karlheinz (Cadillac of Noise) Lexi Kahn (Low Budget Super Hero) Lauri Murphy (Lucretia's Daggers) Keegan Martin (golf club guy) Jon Strymish (b&w film god) Kelly Davidson (etched on film) AND Michele, Beth, Sam, Bob, and MORE. Plus, several other people came out for us that I don't know their names.
This is just off the top of my head, in no real order of importance, because EVERYBODY WHO WAS THERE to personally SEE ORGY OF NOISE (along my band and crew) are NOW on a SPECIAL LIST of BTM FRIENDS. I know I am forgetting several people and some of my friends brought their friends as well. Except for a couple of people, we didn't really do a guest list, so all these people whipped out their nine bux to be there. THANX.
Tons of people locally that couldn't make it out (on that date/time) got in touch and wished us well. Plus, fans around the world keep saying, "Bring that BTM Orgy Of Noise World Tour to MY CITY." Thanx to all for the support.
BONUS SHOUT OUT THANX... Crushes (Smith & Jones) Boston Typewriter Orchestra Entire Staff at TTs Alex Shute - TTs House Sound & Lights
+ Stay tuned for more videos, photos, audio.... and eventually a LIVE ORGY OF NOISE DVD of the night. Including bonus rehearsal jam footage and slideshow of photos.
* UPDATE: Even after all the kaoss of the big ORGY OF NOISE set, I still managed to grab some shots of the headliner CRUSHES. SMITH and JONES (husband & wife) put together the whole bill and are celebrating the release of their new cd. THANX AGAIN for ALL.
++++++++++++ REWIND to OON ++++++++++++ Larry McCarthy made it up onstage for the Orgy Of Noise boogie jam finale wearing his custom made "BTM BAND" Racquet Band T-Shirt complete with his own racquet gtr with strap. Here's a close-up the artwork, THANX MAN.
++++++++++++ FAST FORWARD for BTM ++++++++++++ My "PLAN" is to HIBERNATE for the WINTER 2008-2009. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!