SMITH & JONES of the band CRUSHES from Austin, Texas invited Orgy Of Noise to play on their CD release gig here in Boston/Cambridge on OCTOBER 30, 2008. Smith has this insane guitar shaped pedal board called THE ALBATROSS that he extracts wild sounds out and JONES lays down killer beats on electronic drums. Although you can't tell it from THE ALBATROSS studio overdub youtube video snippet above, they both sing and have a create a balance of noise and actual songs. We have unsorted PLANS to get together for a jiffy hang/jam here at the studio a few days before the gig.
Check out CRUSHES at: http://myspace.com/cru5he5
"Drawing inspiration from the free jazz of the human heart and the static backbeat of the inhuman rhythm box, Crushes sound just as they feel – equal parts emotion and
mechanics. Courtesy of the duo’s DIY imprint, Dendrite Records, Hyperirony
explores a duality of sound that morphs from digital to analog, progressive to nostalgic, with the flip of a switch. Crushes are a duo featuring Smith playing the no-strings attached instrument he affectionately refers to as “The Albatross,” and Jones on the electronic drum kit along with a healthy dose of noise textures (the pair share vocal duties). With a genetic makeup as unclassifiable as their sound, Crushes are best described as an amalgamation of Psych Noise Wave (or something equally absurd). Their brand of experimental music rushes at the listener in 16 short-length, punk format tracks. No guitar, no bass, no synth." - from CRUSHES promo one-sheet @ crushesmusic.com

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