Wishing I had a ticket to see PAULY at FENWAY. I have lived in Boston for 25 years, but since I am not a sports fan, I have never set foot in Fenway. Almost tempted to go down to hang outside and listen to tonight's concert. Not sure if it is sold out, but I am beyond tapped out.
Looking for a MIRACLE TICKET... just one... PLEASE?(you know i almost never ask for anything & just give slack.)

Super photog Tim Bugbee managed to wrangle the golden two songs at two hundred yards photo pass to the 8.5.09 Fenway show.
SEE MORE PHOTOS at Prefix Magazine by
TIM BUGBEE of tinnitus-photography.com
I did however managed to catch WINGS OVER AMERICA show at the COW PALACE in San Francisco - June 1976. It was cool to see PAUL and LINDA and DENNY. Plus, later that year (Thanksgiving) caught RINGO jamming with THE BAND at The Last Waltz - Winterland.
I really tried to get my Dad to take me to Shea Stadium in New York in 1966 when I was ten (and lived in Virginai) to see The Beatles, but no dice. Consolation prize was seeing the (fake usa tv beatles) The Monkees in 1967 in NC with an relatively unknown Jimi Hendrix as opening act about two weeks AFTER Monterey.
UPDATE: I decided NOT to sit in the street and listen to second night of Paul at Fenway. Almost went, but i figured would just live with the memories of 1976 Wings show and let it go.