* Since the Orgy Of Noise at Multimedia Circus gig in Spring 2009, I have been in a semi-reclusive STUDIO zone, mostly editing video, mixing audio and tweaking other assorted projects chronicled here in this blog. Got quite distracted working on this BTM soundtrack/film dream vision excursion which is still in progress... I have piles of audio, video, photos from various projects (tracks from as far back as 1976) stashed in my vaults and not enough time or money to sort them out.
.... AND did the four advance screenings of the ORGY OF NOISE - Tricks & Treats DVD around HALLOWEEN 2009. They were deluxe cast and crew and audience events (that included jam outs after the screenings) here at Headroom for the DVD's limited preview release. Look for that DVD to be fully released "WIDE" (as they say in biz jargon) around Halloween 2010.

So anyway, over the last year or so, except for a couple Mission Of Burma gigs and a Robyn Hitchcock (solo) Jonathan Demme (workshop) Neil Young (concert film debut) at the Coolidge and a trip to the MIT FLEA I haven't been out of the studio that much.
AND yeah, so JUNE.... this past FRIDAY (June 4th) all of a sudden there FOUR different happenings in one night. All by people who I am friends/collaborators/fans of and that I am very loyal to. They have shown their loyalty to me by being for me as well. Too much to choose from... Karen Langlie (Wisteriax) was playing her CELLO way up in Lowell and Jason (of Neptune) having a birthday party in Cambridge, guitarist Cathy Capozzi (Axemunkee) playing her own birthday bash show (also in Cambridge) and Deftly-D and crew were putting on a multimedia show called ORDNANCE in Everett. So with a bit of planning it timed out that I could catch 3 of the 4 by doing an hour or two at each. Crazy, but doable.

JASON SANFORD, the mastermind of the band NEPTUNE turned the big 4-O on June 4th. The backyard BBQ was great fun. I knew I was at the right spot when I saw the front yard of house had a heap of bicycles. Neptune is tip top of my list of my favorite experimental rock bands of all time. I first saw them back in 1998 when my Orgy Of Noise & Kings Of Feedback bands appeared the UNDERBELLY CD and they played the CD compilation release show. Somewhat recently Neptune member Dan Boucher moved away to Arizona and they had to get TWO people to replace his awesomeness. They actually grabbed their longtime engineer/co-producer Kevin Micka and the band's close pal Farhad Ebrahimi, who were already part of the Neptune family. They all have been building new instruments and electronics and getting ready for their return show debut of the new line-up at Great Scott club here in Allston this August. Since seeing them in 1998, I have shot tons of photos/videos of NEPTUNE and at some point I MIGHT even do a BTM REMIX of NEPTUNE... if they ever get me the master audio trax.
Hung out for the first part of Jason's birthday party (from 7:30pm - 9:45pm - but didn't snap any photos) and then off to AXEMUNKEE who were playing a nearby club...

Cathy Capozzi's birthday was actually June 3rd and this was officially a DUAL GEMINI BIRTHDAY BASH since a member of the other band was also having a b-day. If you have been following my adventures, you know that I have remixed and did live & studio guest electro tennis racquet gtr bits with Axemunkee (and remixes for her earlier band AQM)... AND Axemunkee members have joined in with my ORGY OF NOISE as well, most notably at the MULTIMEDIA CIRCUS show which just happened to be produced by Deftly-D, so there's a ton of crossover between us all.

Bounced in and out just for Axemunkee's set (from 10:15pm -11.15pm) and the headed out to ORDNANCE III gig, which was at a new spot in Everett. Bit of zig-zaging and made it there just before midnight to catch the finale sets and hang with the crew.

DJ Deftly-D was the host and he (and a lot of his crew) have been involved in several ORGY OF NOISE gig/sessions, most notably the TRICKS & TREATS TTs show and Voidstar Productions's Mulitmedia Circus. ORDNANCE is DJs, VJs, Drummers and more. DEFTLY-D RULES.

SO just like clockwork, somehow managed to experience ALL THREE HAPPENINGS and SURVIVE.
* AND AND AND... now on JUNE 8th Robyn Hitchcock is returning to the Coolidge Theatre for a full solo set.
*UPDATE: Back from the ROBYN show... he spilled his gray matter with his usual eccentric charm and wit whilst plucking away masterfully on his strings of steel resnonating over wood. At first glance his lyrical riddles appear to be delusional stream of sub-conscious babble, but somehow I was able to connect the dots and find the punch line and the melodies. Bravo.
Later this week, I am thinking of making it out to the MIT FLEA on JUNE 20th and then definitely going to RINGO IN CONCERT on JUNE 29th.... but for me and my normal pace, I am actually still taking it a bit slow on outside of the studio fun for the month of JUNE, relatively speaking anyway.
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