Glimpse of the first toast test disc for the upcoming ORGY OF NOISE Tricks & Treats DVD. Experience 90 minutes of non-stop thrills. The actual SHOW was less than a half hour, but I am including footage from three different STUDIO jams (including BTM, DEFTLY-D, KAREN and AJDA in various combos) and a deluxe PHOTO slide show. Still lots more to do.... final mastering sweetening of the AUDIO, create deluxe graphics for real DVD menu in DVD Studio Pro and artwork for DVD cover, and then, create separate photo print book and somewhere in there edit up some TRAILERS (thirty second teaser and a two minute preview.)
All systems go for OCTOBER 30, 2009 DVD release and first screening at Headroom. This debut screening is a semi-private invitation-only mostly for band, crew and people who were in the audience. Also planning very short jiffy LIVE no-frills solo BTM TOY and RACQUET GTR JAM-OUTS after each screening. Other OON band members MIGHT join in. There will preview broadcasts on my webcast channel, BTM TELEVISION in October. Stay tuned for the TRAILER.
The fun will start at 7pm with viewing of original OON DVD and then the full 90 minute TRICKS AND TREATS DVD will be played 8pm sharp with probable additional screenings at 10pm & MIDNIGHT. Just ask if you want to reserve a seat.

Plans are in the works for a very limited edition deluxe set with TRICKS AND TREATS DVD, BONUS OUTTAKES DVD-R, AUTOGRAPHED DELUXE (print on demand) PHOTO BOOK, PRINT OF PHOTO (unframed), SONGLIST PRINT OUT, ORIGINAL FULL COLOR SPINART GIG POSTER, a COUPLE OF PEANUT M&MS and ONE FEATHER from BTM's RED BOA. This would go great with your Orgy Of Noise CD BOX SET.

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