Killer seats for this U2 show (see red circle)... I MIGHT even bring a camera. Saw the last U2 No Line on the Horizon tour at The Garden in Boston and kept thinking.... how many follow spotlights does Bono need to prove his rock stardom-ness? I lost count at sixteen and thought it must cost a fortune in gear, truck, hotels, paychecks etc to keep just the spotlight crew on the road. It appears they outdid that with their 360º spaceship staging. Truth his I would just assume see them with a simple rig of a couple of amps, pedals and very basic drum and lighting rig with ENO and DANIEL LANOIS in the band or at least opening the show. Or just an evening with U2... they did that small stage show at a small theater in Boston area last year for the who's who and the lucky few and I missed that one. Oh well.

After going to so many underground indie type shows, it is always fun to go to one of these bloated rock star shows and see bands I saw in the 60s-70s-80s still banging away. See you there.
PS: NO MIT FLEA for ME today. Prob catch OCTOBER FLEA. Might go a hundred yards down the street to check out Allston Street Fair this Sunday afternoon.... but who knows. It's really hard to complain about too much non-stop entertainment happenings around town.... except that I can't consume it all.
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