OK... got distracted and went to saturday nite gig (see previous post) and sorted photos and videos into the wee hours, but NOW (as soon as i finish this post) i am back on track, tweaking and pro tools editing the latest overdub on the Orgy Of Noise song i am recording. Added some STYLOPHONE mutated through a Mini-Kaoss Pad coming out like some sorta Booty Collins - Bernie Worrell wah wah mutron electro funk noise as it gurgles into the circuit bent toys and racquet percussion i layed down. The Stylophone/Kaoss combo is a bit FUNKY, but the rest of the track is still more industrial noise electro -ish. FUN FUN FUN. Maybe i should WEBCAST the sessions on BTM TELEVISION... but it tends to be a distraction... just like THIS BLOG is a distraction.

I keep thinking why am i creating MORE MUSIC when most of you have barely made it through the mountains of my existing albums, videos, photos etc.
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