OK... just got back from last minute bounce to see:
Concert of the Czech Band - PLASTIC PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE
@ Somerville City Club, all the way from Prague to Somerville.

Dug it... great sounds & people. This was a surreal suprise. WOW.
Check them out: myspace.com/theplasticpeopleoftheuniverseofficialpage
ALL RIGHT... I couldn't not go to see these legends live in concert. So, NOW I am back on my focused quest to finish the Orgy Of Noise song for the compilation AND nail the DOTC REMIX. Only gonna post two Plastic People photos for the time being, so i can fire up the pro tools rig here in the studio and get on it.
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The club is on Innerbelt Road near Charlestown and the Holiday Inn in Somerville. more nfo: somervillecityclub.com
The show was special event sponsored by Czech and Slovak Association - "Our mission and vision is to preserve the Czech and Slovak heritage, and to promote intercultural understanding in greater Boston area." czskboston.com
They MIGHT have some FOOTAGE of Plastic People on the site in future.
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