TAKE OUT... please. WAY OUT. All nite tweaking in Headroom again. Overdubbed SPRING BASS DRUM-ish simple beat (see spring stretched accross the RACQUET TOMS) keying in on the existing bent riffage. Then added some metal WOK-ish snare (see square with holes and drum sticks) locking in with the toy bent guitar 'lectro snare. Now i am so thirsty. Gonna toast with my favorite drink, POLAND SPRINGS WATER (from Maine you know.) Right after this post gotta get back to editing a bit. On this track going for a improv remix automation mute and volume blast via motormix on pro tools as i go along. This is actually a pretty normal hit groove song for me.... gotta take it OUT a bit further. No NAME for the SONG yet, but if all fails i can just pull some words out of column A and column B and voila.

Already have a solid foundation of fried rice and noodles in the mix, so i am pretty stuffed and almost done.
My fortune cookie sez... "Your self-confidence shines and makes a great impression on others. Lucky numbers 4, 7, 16, 34,36,44." That reminds me i need to get a lottery ticket for tuesday's mega millions.
Tippi Cat came up in the mix zone for a little bit to help co-produce. Sorry no pix of her from tonight, but here's one from an Orgy Of Noise session a few years ago.

Almost fired up the BTM TV WEBCAM again, but
keep on nailing the trax without too much distraction.
UPDATE: (still going all night - 9:50 AM MONDAY now) - tweaked the mix quite a bit and added more more more junk percussion and some good old-fashioned tape delay freak out bits of noise via sound on sound function on my REVOX A-77 tape recorder, that i have had since 1975.

...AND then closed the OON session files up and switched gears and poked back into the REMIX i am doing for a DOTC song that is on ROCK BAND 3 game. Their orig trax sound so good.
Still gotta charge of camera batteries and format the chips and etc for the Heathen Shame & Chris Cooper show on MONDAY at CHARLIE's Harvard Square. More on that wing ding later.
sleeping all day, so i can rock all night.
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